The Countess.Report is an evolving independent collaborative research project led by artists; Amy Prcevich, Elvis Richardson, Miranda Samuels and Shevaun Wright, with special guest collaborators including Melinda Rackham, co-author of Countess: Spoiling Illusions Since 2008 (2023).
Countess.Report investigates the structures and frameworks that govern artistic production and legitimation in the Australian contemporary art world. We publish data and analysis on trends in gender representation, the education of artists, the distribution of arts funding, media representation and related topics. Our research is self-published in quadrennial sector-wide reports.
The work of Countess is both art and advocacy; our role as artists is essential to the research we publish. We welcome conversations with museums and galleries around prospective collaborations, partnerships and commissions to work directly with their exhibitions and collections data in the production of research and artwork.

The focus of Countess.Report data collection is the production of our quadannrial Reports where the primary purpose is to quantify the representation of women and non-binary artists in exhibitions and public collections at museums and galleries across Australia over a twelve month period.
We access this information from the public websites and annual reports of museum and galleries, and in the case of State Museums and Galleries we directly request the data. The information Countess.Report are collating is familiar to us all on museum wall labels - where both the artworks history and the artists identity are communicated didactically.
Each line of data we collect represents each artist exhibited in a specific organisation, in a specific exhibition, at a specific time. Gender is then identified through the named artists professional website and/or gallery or media. Organisational structures surrounding the exhibition of the artists work such as Directors, Boards and Curators names and gender are also recorded. In some data sets we extend our research to obtain information on the age and educational qualifications of artists if available on their personal and/or gallery website.
Countess.Report collate this data so that similarities and differences can be seen between and across organisations, locations, genders, ages, and education.
Names are always de-identified when publishing the aggregated data but are recorded to maintain accuracy and provide meaningful robust context to the data. Our data is stored in password protected folders.
We record the information into excell spreadsheets using the following categories:
Allows us to identify individual organisations
︎︎︎Organisations Name
Name of the museum; gallery; media; event.
Allows us to identify and compare areas of activity and ensure we represent as broad a sample as possible.
Organisations state location reflect state based funding boundaries.
This category also helps us to further group galleries operating in various locations.
Organisations regional or metro location reflect various funding budgets and priorities.
We group the museums and galleries to best reflect their varying operational budgets
︎︎︎Org Category
︎︎︎State Museum and Galleries
︎︎︎Major Public/Private Museums
︎︎︎Public Regional Galleries
︎︎︎University Galleries
︎︎︎Commercial Galleries
︎︎︎Contemporary Art Spaces
︎︎︎Artist Run Galleries
Identifying the exhibition title allows us to count artists within specific group exhibitions.
︎︎︎Exhibition Title
This category helps us to examine value, space and exposure and to describe specific types of group exhibitions
︎︎︎Exhibition Type
︎︎︎Solo Exhibition
︎︎︎Group Exhibition
︎︎︎Art Prize
Each line of data is linked to a name, this category identifies the role of that person in the exhibition or gallery context
︎︎︎Exhibited Artist
︎︎︎Gallery Director
︎︎︎Represented Artist
︎︎︎Board Member
Artists names and artworks are forever joined.
Names are always de-identified when publishing the aggregated data but are recorded to maintain accuracy and meaningful context. Our data is stored securely in password protected folders.
We clarify and record the gender of artists via further research into how artist self identifies according to professional and gallery websites.
Collaboration while obviously not a gender, represents a significant alternate mode of working as an artist that is not singular.
Collaboration while obviously not a gender, represents a significant alternate mode of working as an artist that is not singular.
Further research is necessary to identify artists year of birth via artists professional website and/or gallery where an artist age is often recorded.
︎︎︎Year of Birth
When an artists work is collected or exhibited by a public instiution this information is displayed on an exhibition wall label and registration data. We collect this additional information to examine how prescriptive age is to established career pathways.
Further research is necessary to identify artists education via artists professional website and/or gallery where an artists education is often recorded on a CV.
︎︎︎Highest Education
We collect this additional information to examine and test the connections between educational insitutions legitimating an artists practice and career pathways.
The Countess.Report is a collaborative artist-run project led by Amy Prcevich, Elvis Richardson, Miranda Samuels and Shevaun Wright.

Shevaun Wright
Co-editor 2024 Countess Report
Co-editor 2024 Countess Report
Shevaun Wright is a lawyer and artist engaged in the growing field of legal aesthetics. Her art practice is interdisciplinary and research based, utilizing the contractual medium and the notion of the ‘social contract,’ as well as re-contextualized dialogues as a tool for engaging in institutional legal and artistic critique. Informed by her Aboriginal heritage, she aims to extrapolate feminist and post-colonial critiques of the law and art as a means to access and reveal similarities in their discursive practices. She is licensed as a lawyer in Australia and California. She is now working with Dr Terri Janke, specialising in Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property matters, AI and assisting Indigenous businesses to thrive. She has undertaken numerous residencies, including the Whitney Independent Study Program (Studio) and the Banff International Curatorial Institute and will be Creative Australia’s resident artist at ACME East London studios in June. She has masters degrees in art and law including a Master of Fine Arts from UCLA’s Interdisciplinary Studio program.
Miranda Samuels
Co-editor 2024 Countess Report
Co-editor 2024 Countess Report
Miranda Samuels is an educator, researcher, and artist based in New York. She is a Critic at the Yale School of Art in the Painting and Drawing Department, Head Researcher at legacy stewardship firm Davila-Villa & Stothart, and Assistant Director at the Interdisciplinary Art and Theory Program. She has worked in museum education and public engagement at various Australian art galleries. As a Fulbright Scholar Miranda completed postgraduate studies at the New School for Social Research focusing on aesthetics and political philosophy (2021), and has a degree in fine arts from UNSW Art and Design (2014).
Amy Prcevich interrogates narratives of social and public space, time, the office, language and labour – specifically the nature and value of artists’ labour. Her employment in galleries and museums and engagement with artist communities informs her conceptual, spatial and text-based practice. Amy recently completed a Master of Fine Arts at University of New South Wales, entitled Workaround. Informed by her experience as artist-as-worker this research resulted in a new video work entitled Workaround (2023) which draws on office tropes and the conventions of the instructional video to present a series of strategies used to claim time and space for art making in the context of the office.
Amy has been the recipient of several grants and residencies including Test Sites, Public Art Project Development Grant from the City of Melbourne and Parramatta Artist Studios. Amy has exhibited at The Substation, Arts House Meat Market, Arts House North Melbourne, True Estate, First Site Gallery (VIC) and Wellington Street Projects, PARI and Firstdraft (NSW). She is lead curator for Language Exchange (working title) at Fairfield City Museum and Gallery (NSW) in 2024. This exhibition explores the feelings of loss and revival associated with losing and regaining a connection to a heritage language.
Elvis Richardson
Co-author Countess: Spoiling Illusions Since 2008, Editor 2016 Countess Report, Editor Countess blog 2008-2017
Co-author Countess: Spoiling Illusions Since 2008, Editor 2016 Countess Report, Editor Countess blog 2008-2017
Elvis Richardson is a Melbourne based artist whose collecting based practice curates personalised objects and imagery extracted from public sources and re-constructed to comment on taste, class, the sublime and her own agency as an artist when also trapped in an aspirational exposure-based system of certain economic precarity. Richardson’s objects and images disrupt the everyday commodification’s of lifestyle to satirically expose the promises, disappointments and contradictions that we all live with.
Dr Elvis Richardson completed a BFA at UNSW 1992, MA UNSW 1996, MFA Columbia University in New York 2002, and PhD Deakin University 2019. Elvis was awarded the Samstag Internaional Visual Art Fellowship in 2000, and project grants from the Australia Council in 2015 and 2018, and Creative Victoria 2018. Richardson has been an active member of a number of artist run initiatives including First Draft (96/97), Elastic (99/00), Ocular Lab (08/10) DEATH BE KIND (2010/12) and True Estate (2017/18).
Melinda Rackham writes on issues that matter; exploring online intimacy in early web sites and Virtual Reality worlds, and founding the widely re-published critical media arts forum -empyre- [2002-2022]. Her practice introduces diverse and experimental art, cultures and ideas to new audiences through organisations and institutions such as ACMI, ANAT, The Royal Institution of Australia, UniSA, RMIT, MCA, NGA, Rhizome, ISEA and Ars Electronica. Recent publications include the substantial monograph Catherine Truman - Touching Distance [2016]; poetic co-authored ADOPTED anthology [2018]; an essay series for cyberfeminist icons VNS Matrix [2019]; the Instagram performative parody #remakemistresses [2020]; and now CoUNTess: Spoiling Illusions Since 2008 [2023].
Brigid Hansen Website and social media
Brigid Hansen is a media and arts professional with a strong interest in communications and contemporary culture. She has worked with organisations as La Trobe Art Institute, ACCA, Blindside, 3RRR and the National Gallery of Victoria.
Counters on the 2019 Countess Report
Annalise Bosnjak, Eloise Breskvar, Nikita Holcombe, Niki Koutouzis, Safari Lee, Lauren May, Alice Pengilley, Amy Prcevich, Elvis Richardson, Miranda Samuels, Sarah Thomson, Catherine Woolley, Lauren Wraight.
Counters on the 2016 Countess Report
Mark Hislop, Sadie Chandler, Danielle Hakim, Virginia Fraser and Amy-Noel Van Eymeren
Advisory Board on the 2016 Countess Report
The Countess.Report gratefully acknowledges the siginificant financial support of the following organisations
Sheila Foundation whose research funding and partnership was pivotal in producing the 2016, 2019 and upcoming 2024 Countess Reports
NAVA, the National Association for the Visual Arts, have provided generous in-kind support to professionally market and disseminate the 2016 and 2019 Countess.Reports
The Australia Council awarded Countess.Report an organisation project grant to research and edit and publish the 2024 Countess Report
Copyright Agency awarded Countess.Report writers funding towards producing the 2024 Countess Report
National Gallery of Australia - who invited Countess.Report as a cultural partner to both the ‘Know My Name: Australian Women Artists 1900-Now’ Exhibition and their Gender Equity Action Plan initiative in 2000-2002. NGA have also made a $25,000 donation to Countess.
In 2017 Countess.Report held a fundraiser through the Australian Cultural Fund. Over 200 generous supporters helped us raise $15,000, enabling us to consolidate and set up a new website, evaluate, reflect and evolve.

Poster magazine insert by Countess.Report for Know My Name, National Gallery of Australia 2021
Selected Media
The Countess Report findings have been reported on by The Arts Show, (ABC RN), The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald, a non-exhaustive list of coverage following our most recent report in 2019 is below.
Morris, L. (2019) Women Artists win parity but report shows there’s still more work to do, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 October 2019
The Arts Show (2019), The Countess Report shows gains and losses in equal gender representation, 30 October 2019
Editorial, Art's gender imbalance affects way we see the world, Sydney Morning Herald, 30 October 2019
Morris, L NGA first major institution to commit to gender parity in artistic program, Canberra Times, 30 October 2019
Anotolitis, E New Countess Report: Independent sectors lead the visual arts in gender equality, while state institutions fall behind National Association of Visual Arts, 30 October 2019